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The Best Things To Do In Rishikesh

Rishikesh (India) is a place known as the Adobe of God and the place for Adventure Activities like Beach Camping, White Water Rafting. Rishikesh is one of the popular pilgrimage destination for the Hindus. At this place the Ganges leaves the mountains and prepares herself to begin a long journey through the plains. Rishikesh stands at an altitude of 356 meters above sea level and along the river. Rishikesh is best Center for Adventure Activities, Beach Camping, Beach Games, River Rafting, White Water Sports, Bangee Jumping, Flying Fox and Swing Activities. Available beautiful Beach in Ganga River & Hills. Good Weather & best place of all the Adventure and Rishikesh is also known as the world capital of Yoga.

Rajaji Safari in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

Posted on March 29 2017 by rafting-camping-rishikesh in wildlife safari, trekking, camping


Rajaji National Park area is covered with diverse forest types ranging from semi-evergreen to deciduous and from mixed broad-leaved to terai grassland and has been classified as Indus-Ganges Monsoon Forest type. Lofty strands of sal dominate in many parts. 

Rajaji is home to avian species which are found in forested foothills and in open grassland. It's location in a transition zone between temperate western Himalaya and central Himalaya enhances the species diversity and consequently the viewing prospects.


More info: http://raftingcampingrishikesh.com/

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